Derfor er denne tale interessant:
Talen er særlig på mange aspekter. Det første, der er interessant ved denne tale er actio-delen, som er meget bemærkelsesværdig. Hilda Flavia fremfører flot sin tale og er både emotionel, nærværende og stærk i sin optræden. Talen er et pragteksemplar på, at man sagtens kan komme til at gå i stå i sin tale og komme videre derfra på elegant vis. Ydermere er situationen værd at nævne. Scenen er et formelt arrangement, hvor den politiske elite fra storbyer i hele verden er samlet for at diskutere klimaproblemet. Hilda Flavia er en ung kvinde, der er offer for klimakrisen. Derved er der en kontrast i setting med en elite/professionel distance kontra hendes følelsesladede virkelighedsnære tale, hvor hun har oplevet klimaforandringerne på egen krop. Talen er værd at beskæftige sig med, da Flavia repræsenterer en anden stemme i samtalen om klima. Greta Thunberg har vækket hele verden med hendes stærke retorik og politik, derfor har hun længe haft den herskende stemme. De to unge kvinder kæmper begge to for den samme sag, dog er deres adkomst forskellig. Hilda er direkte offer for klimakrisen, hvilket styrker hendes etos og er en identifikationsskabende faktor.
Hilda Flavias tale omkring klimakrisen blev holdt på C40 Klimatopmødet i København den 2. oktober 2019. Den unge kvinde fra Uganda sidder blandt klimaeksperter og elitære politiske figurer fra hele verden. Flavia er grundlægger af Ugandas Friday for Future Movement, hvilket tale bærer præg af.
I am Hilda, the Founder of Fridays For Future in Uganda.
I am missing my classes right now, the same way I have missed them for the last six weeks to create climate awareness. It’s not a surprise, because I once missed three month of school due to the effects of climate change we experienced in my family and community. And my father wasn’t able to raise my tuition fees, because of climate change.I am a victim of this whole climate crisis and I am not ashamed to say so.
After the massive effects of climate change in my home village — the heavy rains, the strong winds that washed away our crops leaving the land bare, the constant dry spells that left the streams and wells dry — my parents had to sell off our land and livestock to sustain our lives. And when the money was over, it was a question of survival or death.
I am lucky that I am still surviving, and I will not take this for granted because people are dying every day. I made a decision to protect the only place I call Earth. And so I joined other young people all over the globe to protect our future. Through endless fights and sacrifices, we hustle our way. Because this our future. I will tell you that we are a generation of scared people, but very ambitious, very united, very persistent, and very good at action.
I sacrifice all my pocket money into a --, clean up activity I do to beat plastic pollution. I need you to join me in this fight. You too can make a decision now. If you are willing to join the youth in this fight, I want you to promise us by standing up right now.
Thank you.
And for those that didn’t stand up, your beds might be comfortable now but not for long. You will soon feel the same heat we feel every day. Rest assured that youth from the other side of the world are fighting for a safe future for you and for us all and are not about to give up yet.
Let’s move away from this summit with action. I thank you all.